3251 Naics Code for Basic Chemical Manufacturing ⏬

3251 naics code for basic chemical manufacturing

The NAICS Code 3251, also known as Basic Chemical Manufacturing, is a classification used by the North American Industry Classification System to categorize businesses primarily engaged in the production of a wide range of chemical products. This category encompasses companies involved in the manufacturing of various chemicals, including industrial gases, petrochemicals, inorganic chemicals, and other essential chemical compounds. Basic Chemical Manufacturing plays a crucial role in supplying the foundation for a multitude of industries, from pharmaceuticals to construction, making it a fundamental sector within the chemical industry with significant economic importance.

3251 Naics Code for Basic Chemical Manufacturing

The NAICS Code 3251 is designated for Basic Chemical Manufacturing. This code is used to categorize and classify businesses primarily engaged in the production of various chemical products, including industrial gases, petrochemicals, inorganic chemicals, and other fundamental chemical compounds. Basic Chemical Manufacturing serves as a foundational sector within the chemical industry, providing essential raw materials and chemicals that support a wide range of industries and applications.

325110 Naics Code for Petrochemical Manufacturing

The NAICS Code 325110 specifically refers to Petrochemical Manufacturing. This code is used to classify and categorize businesses that are primarily engaged in the production of petrochemicals, which are chemical compounds derived from petroleum and natural gas feedstocks. Petrochemicals play a vital role in various industries, including plastics manufacturing, chemicals production, and more, making this sector an essential component of the chemical manufacturing industry.

325120 Naics Code for Industrial Gas Manufacturing

The NAICS Code 325120 pertains to Industrial Gas Manufacturing. This code is used to classify and categorize businesses primarily engaged in the production of industrial gases, such as oxygen, nitrogen, carbon dioxide, and other specialty gases. These industrial gases are essential in a wide range of industries, including manufacturing, healthcare, and scientific research. The production of industrial gases is a significant sector within the chemical industry, supporting various applications and ensuring the availability of critical gases for industrial processes and medical purposes.

325130 Naics code for Synthetic Dye and Pigment Manufacturing

The NAICS Code 325130 is assigned to Synthetic Dye and Pigment Manufacturing. This code is used to classify and categorize businesses primarily engaged in the production of synthetic dyes, pigments, and colorants. These products are widely used in various industries, including textiles, paints, coatings, plastics, and more, to provide color and aesthetics to a wide range of products. The manufacturing of synthetic dyes and pigments is a critical sector within the chemical industry, as it plays a fundamental role in providing color solutions for many consumer and industrial products.

325180 Naics Code for Other Basic Inorganic Chemical Manufacturing

The NAICS Code 325180 is designated for Other Basic Inorganic Chemical Manufacturing. This code is used to classify and categorize businesses primarily engaged in the production of basic inorganic chemicals other than those covered by other specific NAICS codes within the chemical manufacturing industry. Basic inorganic chemicals can include various substances like chlorine, fluorine, and sodium hydroxide, among others. The manufacturing of these chemicals is a significant part of the chemical industry, supplying essential raw materials for numerous downstream applications in various industries.

325193 Naics Code for Ethyl Alcohol Manufacturing

The NAICS Code 325193 is specifically for Ethyl Alcohol Manufacturing. This code is used to classify and categorize businesses primarily engaged in the production of ethyl alcohol, also known as ethanol. Ethyl alcohol is a key ingredient in a variety of products, including alcoholic beverages, fuel ethanol, and various industrial and pharmaceutical applications. This sector plays a significant role in providing ethanol for a wide range of industries and applications.

325194 Naics code for Cyclic Crude, Intermediate, and Gum and Wood Chemical Manufacturing

The NAICS Code 325194 is designated for Cyclic Crude, Intermediate, and Gum and Wood Chemical Manufacturing. This code is used to classify and categorize businesses primarily engaged in the production of cyclic crude, intermediate chemicals, and chemicals derived from gum and wood. These chemicals can include various compounds used in different industrial applications, such as resin products and other chemical derivatives. This sector is a part of the broader chemical manufacturing industry and involves the production of specific chemical substances from gum, wood, and other sources.

325199 Naics code for All Other Basic Organic Chemical Manufacturing

The NAICS Code 325199 is for “All Other Basic Organic Chemical Manufacturing.” This code is used to classify and categorize businesses primarily engaged in the manufacturing of basic organic chemicals that are not covered by other specific NAICS codes within the chemical manufacturing industry. Basic organic chemicals encompass a wide range of chemical compounds, including various intermediates and specialty chemicals used in diverse industrial applications. This category is a catch-all for basic organic chemical manufacturing processes that do not fit under more specialized NAICS codes.

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